Did you know that having a generationally diverse team can actually significantly improve your team’s performance?
/In a recent study by Eric Larson, the founder of Cloverpop, it was found that generationally diverse teams with an age range of 25 years (yes, this means a mix of Boomers, Gen Xers, AND Millennials) or more among team members will meet or exceed expectations 73% of the time while those with an age range of only 10 years (teams with just one or two generations) meet or exceed expectations only 35% of the time.
Next time you are putting a team together, make sure you are bringing in voices across the generations. We all need to work together to move ahead in the best way possible. Boomers, keep yourselves open to learning from the Millennials and their innovative thinking. Gen Xers, don’t let your independence keep you from stopping and listening to other voices. Millennials, don’t just stay with your “people.” Actively seek the wisdom of those that have gone before you. Imagine what your workplace could look like if the generations all got along.