How well are you tending to your Gen X employees?

When was the last time you stopped to think about your Gen X employees?  Are you aware that they feel overlooked and are wondering if you see the value they are bringing to your organization?

With Boomers staying in the workforce longer and Millennials getting fast tracked to higher positions in the digital landscape, Gen X has been putting in their time for 20 years, waiting for their turn. Known as the latchkey kid generation, they are independent, self-motivated, and highly adaptable. One of their greatest strengths in the workplace is their sense of responsibility. They keep a lot of plates spinning (sometimes too many J). This research from HBR shows that Gen X has been loyal for a long time and now 40% are looking to move on from their current position.

What would happen to your organization if 40% of your Gen X workforce left tomorrow?

photo by Richard Bagan @unsplash