Millennial or Xennial: What's the difference?

Many times when I am presenting on the generational differences in the workforce I will ask, “Who in here is a Millennial?” Hands go up and it is inevitably followed by “I’m a Millennial, but I’m not really a Millennial.” The first thought that goes through my head is, “Ahhh…the Xennials are here.”

A Xennial is an “older” Millennial who grew up with an analogue childhood and a digital adulthood. They played outside while they were young and their favorite video game was the Oregon Trail. Technology grew up as they did. Due to the rapid rate change in the world today, generations are starting to turn over every 8 years instead of every 20. The Xennials are certainly evidence of this. Whenever I offer those born in the early 80’s this new category, they seem relieved. It’s almost as if someone actually gets them. I hope this can help a few of you sleep better tonight. We see you Xennials and we are grateful for you! What differences do you see between Millennials and Xennials?