The Multigenerational Workplace: How it Can Work for You

The Multigenerational Workplace: How it Can  Work for You

What a pleasure to be part of the Business Insurance Diversity and Inclusion Institute. Rockstar panelists passionate about creating psychologically safe spaces where every generation can thrive.

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Are you a Millennial wondering how to build a better relationship with your Gen X or Boomer boss:

Are you a Millennial wondering how to build a better relationship with your Gen X or Boomer boss:

Ever wonder why your Boomer or Gen X boss seems frustrated with you but you just don’t understand why? Check out this simple tip on how to communicate better across the intergenerational line.

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The Gen X mantra, 'Get it done' & why it doesn’t work for Millennials

The Gen X mantra, 'Get it done' & why it doesn’t work for Millennials

Gen X is aka the latchkey generation. These kids came home from school & let themselves in(this Is Illegal In some states now). The divorce rate had tripled & more women were working. Young Gen Xers found themselves making dinner, doing HW, babysitting siblings, & watching MTV. This is a generation of people who grew up figuring out things on their own. They brought this same mindset to the office.

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