Generational Bias is a Real Thing...
/Generational bias is a real thing. A few years ago, David Maxfield did a study focused on the generational divide. He found that unaddressed resentment between Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials saps productivity by as much as 12 percent.
The biggest surprise in the survey was that so many generation-related stereotypes were true across every age category. For example, respondents from both older and younger generations would each accuse the other of being “lazy.”
It is so easy to get into a habit of blaming age for tensions in the workplace and never confront the real issues. If we say, for example, “They are Millennials, therefore they are lazy” or “Boomers are so rigid,” we may be hiding behind a stereotype rather than addressing the underlying dynamic that is occurring within the company culture. Creating a culture that is fearless, friendly, and focused is key for every generation to be at their best.
In what ways are you addressing the generational tension that is present in the workplace today so that your employees might have 12% more to give back?
Stay tuned for practical ways to start building a generationally inclusive culture.
Dr. Katherine Jeffery is a generational expert guiding the leadership transition.