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Gen X: They find a way to get it done.

Gen X is the generation where many grew up as latchkey kids. At that time in history, the divorce rate had tripled and more women were entering the workforce. This meant that many came home from school, let themselves in and did their homework. They also may have taken care of siblings or cooked dinner. As a result, Gen Xers tend to be incredibly responsible, flexible and highly adaptable. Gen Xers typically have a “get it done” attitude and want to know that they have what they need to be successful in a sufficient amount of time. The question they are asking the workplace that helps them fully show up is “Am I being empowered to get my job done?”  As the generation who has developed the systems within organizations, they know how to get to the end goal. They often feel frustrated when they are not equipped by the organization to make this happen (which is one reason why Gen X became such an entrepreneurial generation).

 Check out last week’s post for Boomers in a Fearless workplace.