This crisis. Your generation.
/I've been thinking about how the different generations are adjusting to this crisis. Some workers have never experienced the economy taking such a hit while some feel like this is just another round. Some are feeling overwhelmed with kids at home and trying to figure out how to homeschool and work while others are working to reinvent how they spend their time. Please take a moment to fill out this short 4 question survey so we can get a snapshot of how the generations are navigating the current state of affairs. We have had some great responses so far. We will send you the results when we are done compiling.
One way I think we can all bring our best selves to this temporary normal is to take a day to reorient ourselves, accept what is happening, and figure out a plan. Don't keep pushing through. Allow yourself some space to figure out a new way forward. #generations #millennials #boomers #generationaldifferences #genz #hr #leadership #thanks