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How much is each generation willing to share as they process how they cope with the global pandemic?

This crisis. Your generation.

When it comes to expressing how they are navigating this crisis, some generations prove more willing to share than others.
How much do I choose to share?
(A look at survey word count)
Millennials used about twice as many words to describe how they were coping than Boomers. 25% more than Gen X. This could be due to the fact that Millennials are used to posting on social media about how they feel. Also, in times of crisis, while Boomers might just keep working hard to reach their goals and Gen Xers might push through to get it done (and think about how it all went down after the fact), Millennials will be more likely to express their way through something. Boomers prefer face to face dialogue. For a Millennial, sharing their thoughts online is commonplace. Gen X, being adaptable, finds itself in the middle. While they were not as verbose as Millennials, they shared more than Boomers.
LEADERS: In what ways are you using different platforms to get the best response possible from your team members? How are you leveraging their preference for communication in order to best understand how they are coping and what they need from you?