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A generationally inclusive culture is more important than ever. Come find out why!

Generations in the Workplace

Join us on May 14th as we explore creating an inclusive, high-performance culture where every generation feels welcome.

We all know culture matters. In fact, according to a LinkedIn survey, Gen Z isn’t looking for the largest paycheck but instead desires a strong relationships with coworkers, advancement opportunities, and a healthy culture. How are you preparing your workplace to be even more appealing to those you are working so hard to recruit?

Is your culture friendly to ALL? Is it really inclusive?
You can measure, understand the current state and make adjustments!

Is your workplace enabling the highest level of performance?
Connect your culture to strategy and unite your organization to accelerate results.

But what is culture?

Culture is “the way we are EXPECTED to do things around here.”

Have you noticed that each generation has different beliefs about the “way we are expected to do things”? The differing expectations of each generation can create conflict, confusion and frustration in the workplace.

While there is a lot of focus on the friction between generations, we believe that each has unique gifts to offer. These gifts are not always recognized, and in some cases, they come in unique “packages” and are ignored or discarded! This workshop will take you on a Culture Journey Learning Experience that provides a fresh perspective on multiple generations in your organization, offering tips for maximizing the gifts each generation brings and creating an inclusive culture.

Why Attend:

  • Get the facts on generational bias and how it’s detrimental to workplace productivity

  • Explore the gifts of each generation and how to create a generation-friendly workplace

  • Understand how to intentionally shape your culture to be more inclusive across the generations

  • Receive the 15-item Culturally Intelligent Change checklist to help your organization radically improve the rate of change success

  • Participate in the Culture Journey Learning Experience, which combines peer learning with fascinating facts and fundamentals about culture, climate, and change management

  • Discover how culture evolves, and identify paths that increase the likelihood of shared learning and positive results with any major change effort

Drawing from the insights of 3 experts in the areas of culture, change and generational leadership, this thought-provoking session will provide you with fresh insights, applicable ideas and actionable steps to create an inclusive culture that keeps your workforce engaged and excited to be a part of the team!

What is the Culture Journey Learning Experience?

Organizational culture and its impact on individuals, organizations, and even society are constant subjects of interest. Culture is finally a part of leadership team discussions at most organizations. Unfortunately, few truly understand it despite most CEOs reporting culture as being critical to business success.

A new learning approach is needed to help leaders and change agents understand the complexities of culture, leadership, and the connection to performance improvement in an accelerated environment. The Culture Journey Learning Experience was recently created to combine peer learning with targeted education based on facts and fundamentals about culture, climate, and change management that are not widely understood. Human Synergistics and Root collaborated to develop this experience, facilitated in tables of 6 to 10 with a visual Root Learning Map®, reflection questions, scenarios, and a workbook.

Culture Journey Learning Experience Goals and Content:

  • Share key learnings, experiences, and culture-related concepts to understand and appreciate the complexity and unique culture perspectives of peers and experts.

  • Build a common language for understanding the layers of culture.

  • Discover how culture evolves and identify paths that increase the likelihood of shared learning and positive results with any major change effort.

  • Identify causal factors (systems, structures, etc.) that are part of the work climate and understand how they reinforce the current culture and may be levers for change in improvement plans.

  • Apply learnings at each step of the workshop to your own organization or organizations with which you work.

  • Receive a workbook with discussion and reflection questions so you can apply key workshop learnings with colleagues at your organization after the event.

Join us on May 14th to learn how to overcome generational bias, build an inclusive culture and sustainably improve YOUR results.

Every attendee will receive a BONUS gift bag:

  • The Flourishing Workplace – a brand new book that captures the three essentials for an inclusive culture

  • Catalyst Question Cards – a deck of cards with questions designed to increase your asking to telling ratio and improve your leadership effectiveness

  • The Serving Leader – Custom Chicago edition of the global #1 selling book on serving leadership


Donna Brighton – is a culture change strategist, leadership coach, keynote speaker and a Rebel Leader. She helps leaders lead from the exponential power that comes from the core of who they are, rather than trying to fit into a leadership mold. She helps leaders solidify change more rapidly and successfully through the power of Culturally Intelligent Change. As a co-creator of the Flourishing Workplace, Donna helps organizations get clear on the culture they need to have in order to achieve their objectives, then helps them move towards that ideal. She helped found and lead the global Association of Change Management Professionals. She travels the world enjoying wine with Leadership Uncorked, and is the author of the upcoming Rebel Leader Field Guide series of leadership books.

Dr. Katherine Jeffery – is a generational researcher and practitioner who guides companies and organizations through the massive leadership transition that is happening in the world right now. She has done in-depth research on the Millennial generation having worked with them for over 20 years AND focusing her doctoral research on their view of leadership and teams. She not only has a unique ability to connect with every generation but more importantly, she is a savvy Gen Xer who has learned to navigate a Boomer world while helping Millennials be successful in this foreign culture along the way. She believes each generation has much to teach the others and is grateful for Gen Z as they continue to keep her relevant in this rapidly changing world.

Tim Kuppler – is the co-founder of CultureUniversity.com, co-editor of the ConstrutiveCulture.com blog, and Director of Culture and Organization Development for Human Synergistics, a 40+ year pioneer in the workplace culture field with the mission of Changing the World—One Organization at a Time® and the home of the most widely-used workplace culture assessment in the world. He has the rare mix of extensive operations, general management, and consulting experience necessary to help leaders quickly improve team effectiveness and results as they focus on their top performance priorities, challenges, and/or goals.

Location: One North Wacker Conference Center

One North Wacker Drive, Chicago IL
