How are you equipping your leaders to effectively manage a multigenerational workforce?

“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, older workers represent the largest candidate pool in the workplace with 10 thousand Boomers turning 65 each day. Many of them are still working or looking for work. For companies with diversity and inclusion programs, ensuring strategies are in place to effectively manage a multigenerational workforce is an urgent call-to-action. Otherwise, [last] weeks’ storm of age-related filings will become par as older workers force companies to acknowledge that, like racism and sexism, ageism is not only discriminatory, but it is also illegal.”

Join us May 14th where Donna Brighton, Tim Kuppler and I will explore how to create a generationally #inclusive culture. Combat #ageism by intentionally creating a Constructive #culture that leads to a Flourishing Workplace.

 #generations #dei #HR #generationaldifferences #employeeengagement #humanresources